
Blocky Game Jam

Create and share social block-themed games from March 17–30.

Create a unique “Blocky” multiplayer game, learn new editing skills & techniques, and connect or co-create together with an amazing creator community. Submit your game by March 30 for a chance to be featured and win prizes.

Why join?

Game jams are a great opportunity to grow you challenge yourself and learn!
Explore blocky themed assets and templates and get feedback and support from other creators.

How to join?

How to join-1.png

Blocky Game Jam Templates

Adventure Template, create blocky adventure game!

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Adventure Template thumbnail

Build Together Template, create a game where players can build together!

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Build Together Template thumbnail

Using template isn't necessary. You can start from scratch or remix from existing games. From the bottom of the page you can find a list of games to get inspired from.


All participants will receive 100 HypeCash. We’re also offering both HypeHype Teams' Choice and Creators’ Choice awards for top games:

  1. HypeHype Teams’ Choice:

🥇 $1,000 USD

🥈 $500 USD

🥉 $300 USD

🏅4–10: $200 USD each

🏅11–20: $100 USD each

As an extra ten random entries from 21st place onward each win $100

  1. Creators’ Choice:

🎖️Winner of the Creators' Choice will be awarded $1,000 USD

Finally, all top games will be showcased on HypeHype app and on our social medias.

(It’s about more than prizes - have fun making games, grow your portfolio, experiment with blocky designs, and join our vibrant creator community!)


Your jam game should be started & published during the jam time. Remixing from the community or collaborating is encouraged - just make sure your submission clearly fits the jam theme and was made for this jam.

Here are 6 rules to keep in mind:

  1. Start fresh: Begin creating your game after March 17.
  2. Publish on HypeHype by March 30, 21:00 UTC.
  3. Add #BlockyJam to your game description.
  4. Multiple entries allowed, but only one prize per creator/team.
  5. Must follow HypeHype Community Guidelines.
  6. Remixes are allowed but must be significantly different from the original.
    1. Note: Remixing your own games or drafts is not allowed. This is seen as circumventing the first rule.

Games that fail to adhere to the rules will be disqualified.


The HypeHype team will judge the games based on:

Creators’ Choice winner is selected by the jam community. Each participant will have 1 vote to give. We'll contact all participants with instructions when voting period starts.

Get started

If you need more specific help and want to chat with the creator community and HypeHype dev team, join our Discord, and Reddit.

Get inspired

  1. Good Social Game examples:
  1. Examples of good remixes
  1. Games with block building mechanics: