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Create games and win $100,000!

HypeHype invites you to create games and win up to $100k USD! Starting now through June 16th 2024.

To win, reach Day 3 retention of 15%! For example, if 1000 players start playing your game on Monday, 150 of those players still need to be playing your game on Thursday.

Download HypeHype and get started! All games published automatically take part in the competition.

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hypehype all platforms ios iphone android mobile tablet desktop pc windows mac game engine editor

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I enter / take part?
How do I make a game on HypeHype?
If I win, will I get paid in real money?
How is prize money awarded?
How can I track my game performance?
How can I get more players to my game?
Are there other ways to earn from my games on HypeHype?
Who are the developers of HypeHype?
Other terms